Monday, January 20, 2025

NIMSEC project

NIMSEC strives to resolve a series of locally identified problems related to energy efficiency and renewable sources of energy. It will cover various strategically important sectors in an encompassing approach: local administrations, transport, industry, agriculture. The proposed measures will be implemented in four regions Pomurje (SI), Cadiz (ES), Cakovec (HR) and Karlovo (BG). Based on an analysis of the local framework conditions and on data collected in energy audits, concrete pilot actions will be planned and implemented towards building integrated model of sustainable communities. Training measures on energy efficiency and renewable sources of energy will aim at university students on one hand and at technicians (energy auditors) and installers or distributors for renewable energy sources on the other hand. Dissemination actions will help to spread the results and lessons learned of NIMSEC.
REAP is working together in this project with organizations from Slovenia, Spain, Croatia and Bulgaria.

For further information about that project, please click HERE