Friday, February 7, 2025

Study Visit in Slovenia within the RuralYouthFuture project

In the period of 10th – 11th September 2024, a Study Visit within the frame of the “RuralYouthFuture – Improving the role of youth policies for Rural Sustainable Development”, co-funded by the Interreg Europe Programme 2021-2027, took place in the region of Pomurje, Slovenia.

On the first working day, the meeting started with a welcome speech by the Mayor of the municipality Puconci. A review of the Youth Strategy in municipality Puconci and the Local development strategy for the Programming period (2021 – 2027) was carried out. Also, presentations of Young farmers’ activities were presented.

Then followed a roundtable which presented the content of RTV Slovenia’s European media project #TalentsEUregions, which addresses an important demographic problem in the EU – the emptying of less developed regions, which are being abandoned mainly by the educated generation aged between 15 and 35. The roundtable continued with the presentation of RuralYouthFuture partners and their good practices. They discussed how good practices in different countries can spread across the EU. In conclusion, the issue of why projects such as RURALYOUTHFUTURE, which brings together several partners and several countries, are very important for the development of the EU, was mentioned.

On the second day of the event, the participants made a tour around the region of Pomurje. They visited the Interactive Adventure Park. In addition, they also had the chance to visit the Passero estate in Teshanovtsi. The estate was represented by a young family in a rural area who combines their skills in winemaking, meat and pumpkin processing and the art of chocolate making.

In conclusion, the project partners made a trip to the Touristic Farm PUHAN in Bogojina. Young entrepreneurs presented a tourist farm PUHAN which is located on the hillsides of Goričko, among the vineyards above the Plečnik Church in Bogojina. The family farm takes care of all the steps from the field to the plate, offering guests an unforgettable experience of Prekmurje cuisine.