Sunday, September 15, 2024

The First Stakeholders Meeting in Bulgaria under the EAGER project

On the 28th of August, 2024, the First Bulgarian Stakeholders Meeting within the frame of the EAGER project “Easing AGrophotovoltaics for EuRope”  took place in Strelcha, Bulgaria. The event was organized by the Regional Energy Agency of Pazardzhik (REAP)  and the Municipality of Strelcha, partners in the EAGER project, co-funded by the Interreg Europe Programme 2021-2027.

Experts from REAP presented the project’s main objectives and the upcoming activities and clarified what the agro-photovoltaic (APV) system means. It combines solar energy production with crop cultivation, thus producing both energy and food. APVs offer investment opportunities in this field to encourage local communities in the transition to renewable energy, and sustainable agriculture.

The REAP team explained that the main goal of the EAGER project is to facilitate the adoption of agro-photovoltaic systems across partner regions by fostering a shared understanding of this technology, identifying best practices, and enhancing policy instruments, this project will pave the way for a greener future.

During the meeting, an Integrated Development Plan of Strelcha Municipality was reviewed by the municipal team participating in EAGER. This plan is a strategic document of the municipality, developed with the strong involvement of local stakeholders, citizens and representatives of the local businesses. It is used to identify the current problems, needs and development potentials of the municipalities and settlements.

The following examples of agro-photovoltaics were presented:

  • Agriculture – the dependence on solar radiation that connects the operation of photovoltaic systems with the processes that take place in agriculture;
  • Livestock farming – in addition to agricultural production, the dual use of land can also include solar grazing;
  • Honey bee hives – these can also be placed in the solar park together with grazing livestock.

The event concluded with a public discussion on the topic of APV, in which various stakeholders took part.

Presentation of the event