Friday, February 7, 2025

Partner to partner event with Bulgarian good practices within RuralYouthFuture project

An online event related to projects and initiatives which represent good practices in the area of youth employment, empowerment, skills development, and capacity building was organized on the 27th of June, 2024.

Mrs. Nevena Rakovska, manager in the Business Foundation for Education (BFE) presented project CRAFT: Co-working in Rural Areas to prepare young people for Future Trends. It is an initiative which aims to promote employment and entrepreneurship in EU rural areas by equipping young people with sense of initiative, knowledge about collaborative working environments, employability skills and awareness about future trends within 3 major areas: personal care and health-related jobs and services; green economy; and STEAM.

Besides this, there were a number of other interesting good practices presented by Mrs. Rakovska like:

  • Future Time Traveller – a career game in 3D virtual world to introduce Gen Z with future jobs and skills. Gen Z: who are they? • 15-20 years; • “Digital natives” and a “games generation” (Prensky 2001) • Native speakers of the digital language of computers, video games and the Internet (Prensky 2001) • Regular social networks users and “social creators”.
  • E-SCAPE where 6 digital educational escape rooms in 3D virtual world help student develop the 6 key transferable skills: 1) Active learning and learning strategies; 2) Complex problem-solving; 3) Resilience, flexibility, and stress tolerance; 4) Leadership, and social influence; 5)Critical thinking and analysis; 6) Emotional intelligence.
  • EAGLE project which supports adult educators in applying the principles of andragogy, learner-centered education and game-based learning.
  • Career Skills Project which aims to develop a European Career Skills Platform: with 4 aeas of knowledge: 1) Career skills catalogue; 2) Career service map; 3) Career skills MOOC (massive open online cource); 4) Career skills network.
  • AGORA VET Pro 4.0 – advanced guidance for recognition of opportunities and attractiveness for VET professionals.
  • FUTURE WORK 4’s – 4 skills for the future work force for students from all fields of study: 1) Digital Skills; 2) Green Skills; 3) Entrepreneurship Skills; 4) Social & Career skills.
  • The GREEN STEAM project, which aims to mainstream the green skills and entrepreneurial spirit across academic students in STEAM field.
  • The FUTURE WOMEN initiative – an online platform and learning lab with educational tools and resources on digital transformation and realization in STEM, aimed at young women and career advisors.
  • B-glocal initiative which aims to empower seniors to combat climate changes.

After this extensive presentation, partners and stakeholders from RuralYouthFuture had some questions, comments, and a discussion was initiated on how to take advantage of all these initiatives in order to improve the different policy instruments tackled by project partners.

Presentation from the event

Video from the event: